Baremetal provisioning

This is a guide to provision baremetal servers using the Metal³ project. It is a generic guide with basic implementation, different hardware may require different configuration.

In this guide we will use minikube as management cluster.

All commands are executed on the host where minikube is set up.

This is a separate machine, e.g. your laptop or one of the servers, that has access to the network where the servers are in order to provision them.

Install requirements on the host

Install following requirements on the host:

  • Python
  • Golang
  • Docker for ubuntu and podman for Centos
  • Ansible

See Install Ironic for other requirements.

Configure host

  • Create network settings. We are creating 2 bridge interfaces: provisioning and external. The provisioning interface is used by Ironic to provision the BareMetalHosts and the external interface allows them to communicate with each other and connect to internet.

    # Create a veth interface peer.
    sudo ip link add ironicendpoint type veth peer name ironic-peer
    # Create provisioning bridge.
    sudo brctl addbr provisioning
    sudo ip addr add dev ironicendpoint
    sudo brctl addif provisioning ironic-peer
    sudo ip link set ironicendpoint up
    sudo ip link set ironic-peer up
    # Create the external bridge
    sudo brctl addbr external
    sudo ip addr add dev external
    sudo ip link set external up
    # Add udp forwarding to firewall, this allows to use ipmitool (port 623)
    # as well as allowing TFTP traffic outside the host (random port)
    iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -j ACCEPT
    # Add interface to provisioning bridge
    brctl addif provisioning eno1
    # Set VLAN interface to be up
    ip link set up dev bmext
    # Check if bmext interface is added to the bridge
    brctl show baremetal | grep bmext
    # Add bmext to baremetal bridge
    brctl addif baremetal bmext

Prepare image cache

  • Start httpd container. This is used to host the the OS images that the BareMetalHosts will be provisioned with.

    sudo docker run -d --net host --privileged --name httpd-infra -v /opt/metal3-dev-env/ironic:/shared --entrypoint /bin/runhttpd --env

    Download the node image and put it in the folder where the httpd container can host it.

    wget -O /opt/metal3-dev-env/ironic/html/images

    Convert the qcow2 image to raw format and get the hash of the raw image

    # Change IMAGE_NAME and IMAGE_RAW_NAME according to what you download from artifactory
    cd /opt/metal3-dev-env/ironic/html/images
    qemu-img convert -O raw "${IMAGE_NAME}" "${IMAGE_RAW_NAME}"
    # Create sha256 hash
    sha256sum "${IMAGE_RAW_NAME}" | awk '{print $1}' > "${IMAGE_RAW_NAME}.sha256sum"

Launch management cluster using minikube

  • Create a minikube cluster to use as management cluster.

    minikube start
    # Configuring ironicendpoint with minikube
    minikube ssh sudo brctl addbr ironicendpoint
    minikube ssh sudo ip link set ironicendpoint up
    minikube ssh sudo brctl addif ironicendpoint eth2
    minikube ssh sudo ip addr add dev ironicendpoint
  • Initialize Cluster API and the Metal3 provider.

    kubectl create namespace metal3
    clusterctl init --core cluster-api --bootstrap kubeadm --control-plane kubeadm --infrastructure metal3
    # NOTE: In clusterctl init you can change the version of provider like this 'cluster-api:v1.9.6',
    # if no version is given by default latest stable release will be used.

Install provisioning components

  • Exporting necessary variables for baremetal operator and Ironic deployment.

    # The URL of the kernel to deploy.
    export DEPLOY_KERNEL_URL=""
    # The URL of the ramdisk to deploy.
    export DEPLOY_RAMDISK_URL=""
    # The URL of the Ironic endpoint.
    export IRONIC_URL=""
    # The URL of the Ironic inspector endpoint - only before BMO 0.5.0.
    # Do not use a dedicated CA certificate for Ironic API.
    # Any value provided in this variable disables additional CA certificate validation.
    # To provide a CA certificate, leave this variable unset.
    # If unset, then IRONIC_CA_CERT_B64 must be set.
    export IRONIC_NO_CA_CERT=true
    # Disables basic authentication for Ironic API.
    # Any value provided in this variable disables authentication.
    # To enable authentication, leave this variable unset.
    # If unset, then IRONIC_USERNAME and IRONIC_PASSWORD must be set.
    #export IRONIC_NO_BASIC_AUTH=true
    # Disables basic authentication for Ironic inspector API (when used).
    # Any value provided in this variable disables authentication.
    # To enable authentication, leave this variable unset.
  • Launch baremetal operator.

    # Clone BMO repo
    git clone
    # Run
    ./baremetal-operator/tools/ -b -k -t
  • Launch Ironic.

    # Run
    ./baremetal-operator/tools/ -i -k -t

Create Secrets and BareMetalHosts

Create yaml files for each BareMetalHost that will be used. Below is an example.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: <<secret_name_bmh1>>
type: Opaque
  username: <<username_bmh1>>
  password: <<password_bmh1>>
  kind: BareMetalHost
    name: <<id_bmh1>>
    online: true
    bootMACAddress: <<mac_address_bmh1>>
    bootMode: legacy
      address: <<address_bmh1>> // this depends on the protocol that are mentioned above, they depend on hardware vendor
      credentialsName: <<secret_name_bmh1>>
      disableCertificateVerification: true

Apply the manifests.

kubectl apply -f ./bmh1.yaml -n metal3

At this point, the BareMetalHosts will go through registering and inspection phases before they become available.

Wait for all of them to be available. You can check their status with kubectl get bmh -n metal3.

The next step is to create a workload cluster from these BareMetalHosts.

Create and apply cluster, control plane and worker template

#API endpoint IP and port for target cluster

# Export node image variable and node image hash variable that we created before.
# Change name according to what was downloaded from artifactory
export IMAGE_URL=
export IMAGE_FORMAT=raw

# Generate templates with clusterctl, change control plane and worker count according to
# the number of BareMetalHosts
clusterctl generate cluster capm3-cluster \
  --kubernetes-version v1.27.0 \
  --control-plane-machine-count=3 \
  --worker-machine-count=3 \
  > capm3-cluster-template.yaml

# Apply the template
kubectl apply -f capm3-cluster-template.yaml