Provisioning and Deprovisioning

The most fundamental feature of Metal3 Bare Metal Operator is provisioning of bare-metal machines with a user-provided image. This document explains how to provision machines using the BareMetalHost API directly. Users of the Cluster API should consult the CAPM3 documentation instead.


A freshly enrolled host gets provisioned when the two conditions are met:

  • the state is available (see state machine),
  • either its image field or its customDeploy field is not empty.

NOTE: customDeploy is an advanced feature that is not covered in this document.

To start the provisioning process, you need at least two bits of information:

  1. the URL of the image you want to put on the target host,
  2. the value or the URL of the image checksum using either SHA256 or SHA512 (MD5 is supported but deprecated and not compatible with FIPS 140 mode).

The minimum example looks like this:

apiVersion: kind: BareMetalHost metadata: name: host-0 namespace: my-cluster spec: online: true bootMACAddress: 80:c1:6e:7a:e8:10 bmc: address: ipmi:// credentialsName: host-0-bmc image: checksum: url: checksumType: auto

In most real cases, you will also want to provide

  1. first-boot configuration as described in instance customization,
  2. hints to choose the target root device,
  3. the format of the image you use.

As a result, a more complete example will look like this:

apiVersion: kind: BareMetalHost metadata: name: host-0 namespace: my-cluster spec: online: true bootMACAddress: 80:c1:6e:7a:e8:10 bmc: address: ipmi:// credentialsName: host-0-bmc image: checksum: url: checksumType: auto format: raw rootDeviceHints: wwn: "0x55cd2e415652abcd" userData: name: host-0-userdata

When the provisioning state of the host becomes provisioned, your instance is ready to use. Note, however, that booting the operating system and applying the first boot scripts will take a few more minutes after that.

Note on images

Two image formats are commonly used with Metal3: QEMU’s qcow2 and raw disk images. Both formats have their upsides and downsides:

  • Qcow images are usually smaller and thus require less network bandwidth to transfer, especially if you provision many machines with different images at the same time.

  • Raw images can be streamed directly from the remote location to the target block device without any conversion. However, they can be very large.

When the format is omitted, Ironic will download the image into the local cache and inspect its format. If you want to use the streaming feature, you need to provide the raw format explicitly. If you want to forcibly cache the image (for example, because the remote image server is not accessible from the machine being provisioned), omit the format or use qcow2 images.

HINT: cloud-init is capable of growing the last partition to occupy the remaining free space. Use this feature instead of creating very large raw images with a lot of empty space.

NOTE: the special format value live-iso triggers a live ISO provisioning that works differently from a normal one.

Notes on checksums

Unlike Ironic itself, Metal3 currently assumes the checksum algorithm to be MD5 when no checksumType value is provided. Since more secure algorithms, such as SHA256 or SHA512, are popular nowadays, care must be taken to provide the correct checksumType. The value of auto will make Ironic detect the checksum type from its length and will become the default in the next version of the BareMetalHost API.

The checksum value can be provided either as a URL or as the hash value directly. Providing a URL is more convenient in case of public cloud images, but it provides a weaker defense against man-in-the-middle attacks.


To remove an instance from the host and make it available for new deployments, remove the image, userData, networkData, metaData and customDeploy fields (if present). Depending on the host configuration, it will either start the automated cleaning process or will become available right away.


If you want to apply a new image or new user or network data to the host, you need to deprovision and provision it again. This can be done in two ways:

  • If the URL of the image changes, the re-provisioning process will start automatically. Make sure to update the user and network data in the same or earlier edit operation.

  • If the URL of the image is the same, you need to remove the image field, then add it back once the state of the BareMetalHost changes to deprovisioning.

WARNING: updating the userData and networkData fields alone does not trigger a new provisioning.