CAPM3 Pivoting

What is pivoting

Cluster API Provider Metal3 (CAPM3) implements support for CAPI’s ‘move/pivoting’ feature.

CAPI Pivoting feature is a process of moving the provider components and declared Cluster API resources from a source management cluster to a target management cluster by using the clusterctl functionality called “move”. More information about the general CAPI “move” functionality can be found here.

In Metal3, pivoting is performed by using the CAPI clusterctl tool provided by Cluster-API project. clusterctl recognizes pivoting as move. During the pivot process clusterctl pauses any reconciliation of CAPI objects and this gets propagated to CAPM3 objects as well. Once all the objects are paused, the objects are created on the other side on the target cluster and deleted from the bootstrap cluster.


  1. It is mandatory to use clusterctl for both the bootstrap and target cluster.

    If the provider components are not installed using clusterctl, it will not be able to identify the objects to move. Initializing the cluster using clusterctl essentially adds the following labels in the CRDs of each related object.

    - ""
    - "<provider-name>"

    So if the clusters are not initialized using clusterctl, all the CRDS of the objects to be moved to target cluster needs to have these labels both in bootstrap cluster and target cluster before performing the move.

    Note: This is not recommended, since the way clusterctl identifies objects to manage might change in the future, so it’s always safe to install CRDs and controllers through the clusterctl init sub-command.

  2. BareMetalHost objects have correct status annotation.

    Since BareMetalHost (BMH) status holds important information regarding the BMH itself, BMH with status has to be moved and it has to be reconstructed with correct status in target cluster before it is being reconciled. This is now done through BMH status annotation in BMO.

  3. Maintain connectivity towards provisioning network.

    Baremetal machines boot over a network with a DHCP server. This requires maintaining a fixed IP end points towards the provisioning network. This is achieved through keepalived. A new container is added namely ironic-endpoint-keepalived in the ironic deployment which maintains the Ironic Endpoint using keepalived. The motivation behind maintaining Ironic Endpoint with Keepalived is to ensure that the Ironic Endpoint IP is also passed onto the target cluster control plane. This also guarantees that once moving is done and the management cluster is taken down, target cluster controlplane can re-claim the Ironic endpoint IP through keepalived. The end goal is to make Ironic endpoint reachable in the target cluster.

  4. BMO is deployed as part of CAPM3.

    If not, it has to be deployed before the clusterctl init and the BMH CRDs need to be labeled accordingly manually. Separate labeling for BMH CRDs is required because since CAPM3 release v0.5.0 BMO/BMH CRDs are not deployed as part of CAPM3 deployment anymore. This is a prerequisite for both the management and the target cluster.

  5. Objects should have a proper owner reference chain.

    clusterctl move moves all the objects to the target cluster following the owner reference chain. So, it is necessary to verify that all the desired objects that needs to be moved to the target cluster have a proper owner reference chain.

Important Notes

The following requirements are essential for the move process to run successfully:

  1. The move process should be done when the BMHs are in a steady state. BMHs should not be moved while any operation is on-going i.e. BMH is in provisioning state. This will result in failure since the interaction between IPA and Ironic gets broken and as a result Ironic’s database might not be repopulated and eventually the cluster will end up in an erroneous state. Moreover, the IP of the BMH might change after the move and the DHCP-leases from the management cluster are not moved to target cluster.

  2. Before the move process is initialized, it is important to delete the Ironic pod/Ironic containers. If Ironic is deployed in cluster the deployment is named metal3-ironic, if it is deployed locally outside the cluster then the user has to make sure that all of the ironic related containers are correctly deleted. If Ironic is not deleted before move, the old Ironic might interfere with the operations of the new Ironic deployed in target cluster since the database of the first Ironic instance is not cleaned when the BMHs are moved. Also there would be two dnsmasq existent in the deployment if there would be two Ironic deployment which is undesirable.

  3. The provisioning bridge where the ironic-endpoint-IP is supposed to be attached to should have a static IP assignment on it before the Ironic pod/containers start to operate in the target cluster. This is important since ironic-endpoint-keepalived container will only assign the ironic-endpoint-IP on the provisioning bridge in target cluster when it has an IP on it. Otherwise it will fail to attach the IP and Ironic will be unreachable. This is crucial because this interface is used to host the DHCP server and so it cannot be configured to use DHCP.

Step by step pivoting process

As described in clusterctl the whole process of bootstrapping a management cluster to moving objects to target cluster can be described as follows:

The move process can be bounded with the creation of a temporary bootstrap cluster used to provision a target management cluster.

This can now be achieved with the following procedure:

  1. Create a temporary bootstrap cluster, the temporary bootstrap cluster could be created tools like e.g. using Kind or Minikube using and after the bootstrap cluster is up and running then the CAPI and provider components can be installed with clusterctl to the bootstrap cluster.

  2. Install Ironic components, namely: ironic, ironic-endpoint-keepalived, httpd and dnsmasq.

  3. Use clusterctl init to install the provider components


    clusterctl init --infrastructure metal3:v1.9.2
    --target-namespace metal3 --watching-namespace metal3

    This command will create the necessary CAPI controllers (CAPI, CABPK, CAKCP) and CAPM3 as the infrastructure provider. All of the controllers will be installed on namespace metal3 and they will be watching over objects in namespace metal3.

  4. Provision target cluster:


    clusterctl config cluster ... | kubectl apply -f -
  5. Wait for the target management cluster to be up and running and once it is up get the kubeconfig for the new target management cluster.

  6. Use the new cluster’s kubeconfig to install the ironic-components in the target cluster.

  7. Use clusterctl init with the new cluster’s kubeconfig to install the provider components.


    clusterctl init --kubeconfig target.yaml --infrastructure metal3:v1.9.2
    --target-namespace metal3 --watching-namespace metal3
  8. Use clusterctl move to move the Cluster API resources from the bootstrap cluster to the target management cluster.


    clusterctl move --to-kubeconfig target.yaml -n metal3 -v 10
  9. Delete the bootstrap cluster