Verify that Ironic and Baremetal Operator are healthy
There is no point continuing before you have verified that the controllers are
healthy. A “standard” deployment will have Ironic and Baremetal Operator running
in the baremetal-operator-system
namespace. Check that the containers are
running, not restarting or crashing:
kubectl -n baremetal-operator-system get pods
Note: If you deploy Ironic outside of Kubernetes you will need to check on it in a different way.
Healthy example output:
baremetal-operator-controller-manager-85b896f688-j27g5 1/1 Running 0 5m13s
ironic-6bcdcb99f8-6ldlz 3/3 Running 1 (2m2s ago) 5m15s
(There has been one restart, but it is not constantly restarting.)
Unhealthy example output:
baremetal-operator-controller-manager-85b896f688-j27g5 1/1 Running 0 3m35s
ironic-6bcdcb99f8-6ldlz 1/3 Running 1 (24s ago) 3m37s
Waiting for IP
Make sure to check the logs also since Ironic may be stuck on “waiting for IP”. For example:
kubectl -n baremetal-operator-system logs ironic-6bcdcb99f8-6ldlz -c ironic
If Ironic is waiting for IP, you need to check the network configuration. Some things to look out for:
- What IP or interface is Ironic configured to use?
- Is Ironic using the host network?
- Is Ironic running on the expected (set of) Node(s)?
- Does the Node have the expected IP assigned?
- Are you using keepalived or similar to manage the IP, and is it working properly?
Host is stuck in cleaning, how do I delete it?
First and foremost, avoid using forced deletion, otherwise you’ll have a conflict. If you don’t care about disks being cleaned, you can edit the BareMetalHost resource and disable cleaning:
automatedCleaningMode: disabled
Alternatively, you can wait for 3 cleaning retries to finish. After that, the host will be deleted. If you do care about cleaning, you need to figure out why it does not finish.
MAC address conflict on registration
If you force deletion of a host after registration, Baremetal Operator will not be able to delete the corresponding record from Ironic. If you try to enroll the same host again, you will see the following error:
Normal RegistrationError 4m36s metal3-baremetal-controller MAC address 11:22:33:44:55:66 conflicts with existing node namespace~name
Currently, the only way to get rid of this error is to re-create the Ironic’s internal database. If your deployment uses SQLite (the default), it is enough to restart the pod with Ironic. If you use MariaDB, you need to restart its pod, clearing any persistent volumes.