
Ironic is an open-source service for automating provisioning and lifecycle management of bare metal machines. Born as the Bare Metal service of the OpenStack cloud software suite, it has evolved to become a semi-autonomous project, adding ways to be deployed independently as a standalone service, for example using Bifrost, and integrates in other tools and projects, as in the case of Metal3.

Ironic nowadays supports the two main standard hardware management interfaces, Redfish and IPMI, and thanks to its large community of contributors, it can provide native support for many different bare-metal hardware vendors, such as Dell, Fujitsu, HPE, and Supermicro.

The Metal3 project adopted Ironic as the back-end that manages bare-metal hosts behind native Kubernetes API.

Why Ironic in Metal3

  • Ironic is open source! This aligns perfectly with the philosophy behind Metal3.
  • Ironic has a vendor agnostic interface provided by a robust set of RESTful APIs.
  • Ironic has a vibrant and diverse community, including small and large operators, hardware and software vendors.
  • Ironic provides features covering the whole hardware life-cycle: from bare metal machine registration and hardware specifications retrieval of newly discovered bare metal machines, configuration and provisioning with custom operating system images, up to machines reset, cleaning for re-provisionionig or end-of-life retirement.

How Metal3 uses Ironic

Bare Metal Operator is the main component that interfaces with the Ironic API for all operations needed to provision bare-metal hosts, such as hardware capabilites inspection, operating system installation, and re-initialization when restoring a bare-metal machine to its original status.

Metal3 provides a way to install Ironic with a suitable configuration. Alternatively, Bare Metal Operator can be set up to use an externally managed Ironic instance.

Requirements for external Ironic

  • HTTP basic authentication (OpenStack Identity is not supported - see issue 1218).
  • Enabled hardware types and interfaces that match the supported Metal3 drivers (at least the ones you intend to use).
  • API version 1.81 (2023.1 “Antelope” release cycle) or newer must be available.
  • Built-in in-band inspection (ironic-inspector is no longer supported).
  • Deploy interface direct enabled and used by default.
  • No-op network interface (OpenStack Networking is not supported).


  • Automated cleaning set to metadata only.
  • Deploy interfaces ramdisk and custom-deploy enabled.
  • Fast track mode enabled.

Ironic database

Ironic keeps information in its own database, completely independent from the Kubernetes data storage. Metal3 treats the Kubernetes database (e.g. BareMetalHost resources) as the authoritative source of information about the desired state of the machines. On any discrepancies, Bare Metal Operator will use the Ironic API to enforce the desired state.

In case of Ironic deployed by the Metal3 deployment scripts, its database is ephemeral by default. SQLite is used as a backend, and the data is removed when the Metal3 pod is restarted. When this happens, Bare Metal Operator will re-create hosts in Ironic and drive them through various actions to enforce the expected state:

  • Hosts in the provisioned state will go through adoption without provisioning them again.

  • For hosts in the available state, only the BMC credentials will be verified.

  • For hosts in various transient states, Bare Metal Operator will restart the action that lead to this state. For instance, a host in the provisioning state will undergo cleaning, then a new provisioning will be started.

Host enrollment and hardware inventory

When a BareMetalHost is created, Bare Metal Operator tries to find an existing record in Ironic by its name or MAC address. The name in Ironic is generated by joining the namespace and the host name with a tilde. For example, host compute-0 in the metal3 namespace will receive the Ironic name metal3~compute-0. If no record is found:

  1. A new record is created in Ironic.
  2. BMC credentials are verified by Ironic by reading the current power state of the machine.
  3. The inspection process is started.

Once inspection finishes successfully, the hardware inventory is fetched from Ironic and stored in a corresponding HardwareData resource. Note that this information is never updated unless a new inspection happens (see inspect annotation).

Host provisioning

Provisioning is triggered by populating either the image or the customDeploy field of the host. Under the hood, three modes of provisioning are supported:

  • When customDeploy is provided, Bare Metal Operator will configure the host to use the custom-agent deploy interface. The method field will be treated as the name of a custom deploy step to execute instead of the regular provisioning process. Your Ironic installation or IPA image must contain the implementation of this step. By default, Metal3 does not ship any such steps.

  • When customDeploy is not provided and the image.diskFormat field is set to live-iso, the host will be configured to use the ramdisk deploy interface, while image.url will be treated as a URL of an ISO 9660 image to boot. This mode is designed to integrate Metal3 with site-specific installers.

  • When customDeploy is not provided and the image.diskFormat field is not set to live-iso, the regular provisioning process is followed. The IPA-based service ramdisk (normally already booted on the host during inspection) will write the downloaded image to the root disk specified by the rootDeviceHints field.

Host decommissioning

Each BareMetalHost will receive a finalizer that prevents this host from being immediately removed on deletion. Before the finalizer is removed, the host is:

  1. cleaned to remove the partitioning tables from all its disks,
  2. powered off to stop it from running the service ramdisk.

The cleaning process is retried several times. If due to a problem with the host cleaning is no longer possible, disable cleaning first by setting the automatedCleanMode field to disabled.

WARNING: it is not recommended to manually remove the finalizer when the cleaning process is taking longer than desired or is failing. Doing so, will remove the host record from Kubernetes but leave it in Ironic. The currently running action will continue in the background, and an attempt to add the host again may fail because of the conflict.
